Welcome! Ambient Creations is
a high quality, digital stock image provider that allows you to quickly
and easily search, download and license royalty-free stock images,
which are available in low, high and/or very high-resolution
formats at affordable prices. All images on our website are royalty-free and available as single image Downloads upon credit card approval.
How are we different? For one thing our Pricing. You will pay a lot more for 300 dpi images at the major image providers. Our goal is to be a premier provider of high quality stock images that provide not only good visual content, but are themselves a source of creative inspiration, at prices that don't break the bank. We strive to create imagery from the designer's perspective--unique views of beautiful, interesting, or everyday elements, in both the natural and manmade worlds. Our mission is to provide print and online media designers with the highest quality, never-before published, eye-catching photos, designed to meet the most demanding image requirements.
Our 300 dpi images are extremely high quality and can be used in applications such as magazine covers. And our images are available to license immediately via single image Download, so you only Buy the pictures you need, when you need them.
We offer our photos in two jpg resolutions. Our high resolution, 300 dpi photos are offered in 4, 5, 6 or 10 megapixels, and are ideal for print projects including brochures, magazines, book covers, advertising, and corporate communications. Many of our 300 dpi images are available in a larger, 10 megapixel size. We also offer each picture in a 72 dpi size for web and online use. All of our images are original photographic works by Ambient Creations and have not been previously distributed.
If you have questions about picture size and/or pricing visit our Size and Pricing page. If you are concerned about image specifications, visit Image Specifications.
Many of our images are nature scenics, but we are also building our portfolio of objects and contemporary concepts that can be used in business publications such as brochures, collateral pieces or advertising. Our categories include landscapes, animal images, architecture, Americana, objects, nature, plants & flowers, people, sunset & sky, oceanscapes and backgrounds and textures. Also of high interest to us is the natural world. We love photographing nature in it's infinite variety. Check out our extensive collection of flowers, plants and landscape photos. Visit our Search page to find the exact picture you need.
All of our images are captured digitally and brought directly to you in their purest form, without the imposition of film, negatives, chemicals, prints or scanners. We've been doing digital photography and image processing for several years and we've mastered the digital work-flow. All of our pictures are created with professional quality digital imaging equipment. Each image has been mastered from high-fidelity digital file originals, optimized for maximum qulaity and resolution, and saved in the highest quality jpeg format.
Of special interest to us is the view of the macro world, and many of our pictures are captured with a macro lens. But no matter the view, our emphasis will always be the art of visual presentation and color--strong, vivid, color with enormous clarity, either in the subject matter, the backdrop, or in color combinations.
We invite you to browse our Stock Photo Library to search and purchase our high quality, affordably priced, royalty-free images and experience the outstanding definition, resolution and color clarity available only from images created using a professional digital process from start to finish.
Thanks for visiting.