640 x 417 pixels
8 x 6 inches
at 72 dpi
Websites, multi-media, presentations,
on-line use
2000 x 1312
(3 Megapixels)
Print production up to 7 x 5 inches
at 300 dpi
2560 x 1920
(5 Megapixels)
9 x 7 inches
at 300 dpi
Print production up to 9 x 7 inches
at 300 dpi
3000 x 1960
(6 Megapixels)
10 x 7 inches
at 300 dpi
Print production up to10 x 7 inches
at 300 dpi
4016 x 2616
(10 Megapixels)
Print production up to 14 x 9 inches at 300 dpi
File Sizes and Physical Dimensions are Approximate. Some older 72 dpi images may be slightly smaller.
Please note--each image on our site is available in the
72 dpi size, and one of the three, 300 dpi sizes. To see which
300 dpi size is available; double click on a thumbnail image.
Size and pricing information is shown below the larger image
that appears.
All prices subject to change. Custom image sizes, file types,
or layered psd photo files are available upon request, and will be quoted via phone or e-mail.
All of our images are offered in a low resolution/small file
size format, and a high resolution/large file size format.
Prices for all low resolution, 72 dpi images are the same.
Our high-resolution versions are offered in one of three 300
dpi sizes, depending upon the size of the original digital negative, and are priced accordingly.
Digital images vary in their native size, due to different
resolution capabilities of individual cameras, which can be
operating in various modes. We use only professional Nikon digital cameras and lenses, and all of our images are captured in the raw format, the highest mode available, which results in very large image files. If an image is
originally captured in "raw mode"
a larger image is possible from the "digital negative"
with no loss in quality. So, larger images with very high-resolution
are possible, depending upon the raw data captured in
the original image. Our Size and Pricing chart is shown above.
Our 72 dpi, low-resolution images are ideal for web sites,
on-line viewing, presentations, or other multimedia.
Our 300 dpi, high-resolution images are ideal for any of
numerous legal print mediums such as editorial or advertising stock, brochures, corporate communications and other publications.
Please see our License Agreement for further details,
as unlawful usage is prohibited. Ambient Creations retains the copyright for all images for sale on this website. All images contain our embedded digital information and image usage is tracked.
In general, images can be enlarged to 125% with no loss in quality. However, every image is unique. The extent an image can be upsized varies based upon many factors including, the content of the picture, the sharpness, amount of detail, the intended resolution and the type of printing device. One advantage of digital images is that no film grain is present, so if the subject matter will allow, it is possible to upsize a digitally captured image much more than a scanned film image of the same size. Upsizing and downsizing can be successfully done in Photoshop and many other image editing programs. Downsizing is never a problem, but upsizing is much trickier and requires due care and attention to avoid loss of image quality. If you are planning an extrememly large project, such as a poster or sign, we suggest that you research upsizing methods and software that can handle extremely large sizes. And of course you should always speak directly with your printer or service bureau about their specifications, cababilities and recommendations.
If you require a larger size than the one offered of a particular
photo, we do have the capability to further upsize images
with no loss of resolution via special software, so please
contact us if you don't see a picture size suitable for your digital content needs.
We do offer some custom services.
Please keep in mind that cropping an image usually means upsizing or enlarging the contents of the picture. Please note that all of the images on our web site are whole images, and have not been cropped with the possible exception of a finite amount necessary to straighten a horizen. Otherwise our images are offered to you in their native size, which leaves you with much greater creative potential as far as cropping and upsizing your picture. If you intend to use only a portion of an image, carefully monitor the ratio of the size of the original and the intended output size of the image portion, and as always, consult with your printer or service bureau for their recommendations.
Sharpening should only be done after an image has been sized and optimized
for its intended use, in an amount suitable for the medium
in which it is to be used. Our digital image products have had only minimal sharpening, which protects color information, shadows and sensitve detail, while leaving you the flexibility to perfect and repurpose the image to your exact needs. Sharpening can be done in professional image editing programs such as Photoshop. Sharpen only after you have cropped or resized your image for it's intended use. Always sharpen while viewing the image at one hundred percent.
Our images are RGB color images saved in the JPEG format,
optimized for maximum image quality. For more information on RGB and JPEG please see our Image Specifications page.
All of our images are digitally mastered and refined based upon industry standards, so that the very finest images possible
are available to you for licensing and immediate download.
Each image has been meticulously remastered and checked for quality on issues such as color balance,
color adjustment and overall presentation or print quality,
using professional image editing software. All images are
managed and corrected in the wide gamut Adobe RGB color space. With
image corrections and enhancements already made for you, you
can size your image and then sharpen as a final step. Since all the difficult photo editing
has been done for you, your project will be finished in a
very short amount of time!
Our images are Windows and Mac compatible.